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英文:While there is life there is hope.经过我们的努力已经整理好了高考祝福语短句英语的详细报道,以下短句供参考请大家随意发挥。时间如同流水一般,不经意间我们就要迎接高考了,在高考当天收到祝福语,考生们考试时也将会信心倍增。祝福高考考生能够心想事成,金榜题名。


1、A moment of frustration can often be transformed into learning and insight through indomitable fighting.

2、Create a brilliant new year together with us in the spring and autumn.

3、wisdom imore to be envied than riches.知识可羡,胜于财富。

4、Wish all the college entrance examination students: the golden list title! Believe in yourself, you are the best!

5、There are three keys to the success of college entrance examination. First, the spirit of diligence; second, scientific methods; third, a good mentality.

6、Dont lose confidence, just persevere.

7、The exam went well and broke through the whole life.

8、I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea.

9、, all the candidates in the country can participate in the college entrance examination in the ordinary state of mind, to play their own level, admitted to the ideal school. I really wish you all the best.

10、, I firmly believe that we have paid the sweat, and have withstood the test, the ideal of the University Hall of the door will open for us, let us continue our hard but happy road of study!

11、Those who dont study hard can only live their lives without doing anything.

12、At present,the lights dim,what sorrow without a friend. It won the ancient Toad Hall,there must be a gentleman.

13、hey, you still have time to read the text? It proves that you didn't study hard. But since you see this message, I still want to tell you what I've been trying to say: the exam is going well and working hard together!

14、On the day of college entrance examination, I wish you to rush forward and realize your dream in one fell swoop.

15、A man should have one dream at least, and one reason to hold on to it. If there's no place for his heart to rest, wherever he goes, he is just a vagrant. 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。

16、Calm, thoughtful, serious, careful answer.

17、Best wishes for your family and friends!

18、If you"re trapped between your feelings and what other people think is right... always go for whatever makes you happy.当你在自己的感觉与别人的看法之间左右为难的时候,你应该选择去做让你觉得快乐的事情。

19、, after the college entrance examination, a good fun bar, with the indulgence of happiness, the college entrance examination review those lessons all forgotten!

20、Be judgmental and confused.


21、First of all, we should have the spirit of diligence; secondly, we should have scientific methods; finally, a good mentality is also very important. I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

22、Sometimes the greatest rewards in life come from doing the things that scare me the .有时候,做自己最畏惧的事,就能获得最大的收获。

23、Efforts to struggle, courageous upward; sail for themselves, cheer for tomorrow.

24、Heavens reward for diligence can make up for our weakness, and strive for the vast land every year.

25、If you are not afraid of pepsis disadvantage, you are afraid of frustration.

26、The significance of simulation lies in how to go on.

27、In the family the parents hardship involved hope that students want to light Triumphant news.,Ouxinlixue is gold plate.

28、If you want to take care of yourself, then you will treasure it.

29、seeing ibelieving.百闻不如一见。

30、when you are faced with many choices, we need to be cautious; when we have no choice, the pressure of the challenge, give yourself a confidence that the world as long as there is in this way good people can, I can go!

31、May the bright sunshine, youthful vigor, beautiful appearance, and comfortable smile belong to you forever.

32、we speak the same house for three years, long and short. In this unusual three years, our trials and hardships, and shoulder HAPPY Allison like the more to know the results, the heart is very upset, not just finished as a friend to participate in college entrance examination for the college entrance examination all friends no matter how we walk

33、No matter how much pressure you have, this year you can only move forward, no matter how much frustration you have, this time you can only fight for blog.

34、Ten years of cold, a hundred days of wind and rain, travel all over the mountains, the end of the sea, thousands of grinding and refining, pestle into a needle, waves washing, sand to see the gold. I wish you the best in the college entrance examination.

35、The place where dreams begin is also the place where dreams come true.

36、No bitterness and no fatigue. The third year is tasteless.

37、On the day of the gold medal celebration, the wine was celebrated.

38、英文:The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.

39、Disappointment, disappointment, vitality, failure.

40、Don't ask the harvest,but the hard work! God helps those who help themselves.


41、In order to achieve their goals, we must be able to stand alone.

42、No inferiority, dont be conceited, insist on self-confidence! What awesome wishes for all college entrance examination students: whether you are a dark horse, a white horse or a red horse, may you unexpected winner!

43、wisdom ito the mind what health ito the body.知识之于精神,一如健康之于肉体。

44、, when the parting curtain opened, when the memory of sleep in the chest, to say goodbye, really sad, only love is still brilliant, long live friendship!

45、英文:While there is life there is hope.

46、Maintain a normal mind, create a good environment, raise a smiling face and welcome the college entrance exam easily.

47、As long as you can harvest sweetness, there will be bees busy in the thorns.

48、experience ithe best teacher.经验是最好的教师。

49、Friends, be kind to your hobbies. Dont let them make way for study. Let them serve study. Successful college entrance examination!

50、After the baptism of sweat, we know more about the joy of harvest. Come on!

51、Ten years of hard work, no regrets, no complaints, once a success, and then recall all the pain and happiness with all ones heart and soul.

52、, the exam smoothly, a total break through this hurdle in life!

53、Hope, only with diligent companionship, can you add wings like a tiger.

54、I wish you success in winning the high ground, sweeping the battlefield with ease, blowing the horn of victory, and winning the return of the king!

55、Don't feel inferior,you are not stupid. Don't be complacent,others are not stupid.

56、The college entrance examination arrived on schedule. I hope you and I will meet you in an ideal school.

57、Struggle for the college entrance examination, no regrets in this life, climb high school, pursue excellence!

58、years, only to have passed the examination, I wish you a college entrance examination score high, Liyudiaolongmen! Refueling.

59、Ambition goes far into the University and strides towards success.

60、Study your life with your heart.

61、Even an immature attempt is better than a strategy of fetal death.

