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It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer floodin~~你好,你喜欢上面的句子吗?为此,小编花时间整理了考研英语作文常用语句简短,有需要的朋友就来看看吧!

1、With the introduction of a new assembly line, we hope to step up the production of our factory.

2、We note with satisfaction that all these activities have helped to promote mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries.

3、Suggesting that one thing …… is better than another thing …… bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white.

4、The purpose of the pictures is to warn us that due attention has to be paid to the decrease of ocean resources.


6、Any good relationship between nations in based on mutual(相互)trust and respect.

7、Once again, I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused/you have sustained.对于造成的不便我再次表示歉意。

8、May lasting happiness and joy be yours/with you forever.

9、As an example of modern credulity(轻信),he cites(引述)the widespread belief that the earth is round.

10、写给机构:Dear Sir or Madam, (06、07)

11、although many people tend to live under the illusion that traditional technology and methods are still playing extremely important role in peoples life, an increasingevidences show that it is less useful than many people think.

12、What does the author really want to tell us ? In my opinion, his real implication is that everyone has to meet difficulties in their life experiences.

13、这里的万能理由,重点说一下not only but also这个五星搭配的用法。个人感觉很强大的一个句子,私下里多造几个句子。

14、We had a ling debate as to whether we should spend so much money on space technology.

15、They have done pretty well in coping with the problem of storing radioactive(放射性的)was

16、The birth rate decreased steadily after World War 2.

17、Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government. without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.

18、The contribution Shakespeare made to the world of literature is different from anyone else’s.

19、As described/portrayed/illustrated/shown in the picture, many people nowadays like to go to fitness centers to keep their bodies in shape.

20、One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerent stance of opposition forces.(FANwEN.hAo86.cOM 好工具范文网)

21、True, the cost of living has gone up, but so have the workers ‘wages.

22、I would like to propose that from sixty to ninety minutes each evening all television broadcasting in the United States be prohibited by law.

23、Where there is will, there is a way. Your eventual success in the experiment is a case in point


25、The pressures of modern urban life have led to increased occurrences(发生)of alcoholism(酗酒)and drug abuse(吸毒), mental illness, suicide(自杀), and divorce in Western societies.

26、Claiming the need for censorship is one thing, but rationally proving its redeeming values represents a quite d

27、It is quite reasonable to assume that modern science and technology (S&T) will continue to advance. It is no less reasonable to believe that S&T will radically improve the way we live. However, the same reasoning cannot be applied to improving social interaction.

28、There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers. Those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability. They believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering China's cities. But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force, on the other hand, maintain that migrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program.

29、The graph shows that the incidence of violent crime has in fact dropped in most US cities over the past decade.

30、As for me, Im in favor of the opinion that education is not complete with graduation, for the following reasons:

31、These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor. Some argue the developed world has totally ignored the problem. But has it? Close examination fails to bear out the argument.

32、It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding. Experts argue that China must introduce a massive afforestation program. But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem.

