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make contributions to为„„作出贡献。经过搜索的结果教师资源网小编整理了一些与形容高三的句子相关的信息,微博里也能看到好句分享。很多悠长的句子让人深深地感动,你会关注哪种句子呢?


1、John has not yet passed the driving test, and ____.

2、More than one member ____ against the plan.

3、take one’s revenge on sb.for sth.因某事向某人报仇 10.break into pieces(使)成为碎片 11.keep...out of使„„置身于外 12.at the time of在„„的时候

4、They would not allow him _____ across the enemy line.

5、Please excuse my ______ in without ______ .

6、If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty,___ great it is. (NMET95)

7、相互代词:each other ,one another

8、make contributions to为„„作出贡献

9、慢慢地她脸上露出了一丝笑容. (appear)

10、It is high time for us to put an end to this silly argument.高三英语重点短语与句型汇编(9-16单元)Units 9-10 Ⅰ.重要词汇及短语

11、The toy car was pulled down. Can you _____ it _____ again?

12、...and she had only


make contributions to为„„作出贡献。经过搜索的结果教师资源网小编整理了一些与形容高三的句子相关的信息,微博里也能看到好句分享。很多悠长的句子让人深深地感动,你会关注哪种句子呢?


1、John has not yet passed the driving test, and ____.

2、More than one member ____ against the plan.

3、take one’s revenge on sb.for sth.因某事向某人报仇 10.break into pieces(使)成为碎片 11.keep...out of使„„置身于外 12.at the time of在„„的时候

4、They would not allow him _____ across the enemy line.

5、Please excuse my ______ in without ______ .

6、If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty,___ great it is. (NMET95)

7、相互代词:each other ,one another

8、make contributions to为„„作出贡献

9、慢慢地她脸上露出了一丝笑容. (appear)

10、It is high time for us to put an end to this silly argument.高三英语重点短语与句型汇编(9-16单元)Units 9-10 Ⅰ.重要词汇及短语

11、The toy car was pulled down. Can you _____ it _____ again?

12、...and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present.(相当于定语从句的不定式 结构)

13、When I came back, I found nobody ___. It was empty.

14、--- Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

15、--Are you _______ ,Mr Black?

16、Was it during the Second World War _____he died? (MET88)

17、as a consequence(of)作为(„„的)结果 2.the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦 3.go walkabout到灌木丛中闲逛 4.break out(指激烈事件)突然发生

18、You can find him in__ .



20、Some books are to be tasted;others swallowed;and some to be chewed and digested.4.Shanghai is not longer what it used to be.5.It was Joseph Banks who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.(强调句,强调句子的 主语,主语为表示人的名词)Units 5-6 Ⅰ.重要短语

21、keep up 维持;保持;使某事物处于高水平mon sense 常识;情理 13.leave behind 忘带;留下 14.lose one’s way 迷路 e to an end 结束;中止

22、韩非,战国末期韩国贵族,荀子的学生,法家的代表人物,著作有《韩非子》。《秋水》 庄子 《前赤壁赋》 苏轼

23、There was terrible noise ______ the sudden burst of light.(MET)

24、It is no use for everybody to try to pursue the same career.(亦可用It is no use doing sth.)

25、The reason _____he was absent from the meeting yesterday was _____ he was ill.

26、-Do you have _____ at home now? -No, we still have to get scores of eggs and some vegetables.

27、---I'd like ___ information about the management of your hotel, please.

28、lead sb.in doing sth.致使某人做某事 12.apply for 提出申请(或要求等)

29、be upset about...(对„„感到)不安的;不快的;心烦意乱的 23.associate...with...使发生联系;使联合 tect...from...保护„„免于„„ 25.be promoted with(用„„手段来)宣传,推销

30、恰好他身边有钱. (happen)

31、-Shall we introduce ____ fire-fighting equipment from abroad? -Go ahead, if necessary.


33、_______will make a trip around the world during the coming Christmas.(93年上海高考题)

34、You mustn't always do _____ as he asks you to do. He may be wrong sometimes.

35、_____ we got to the station, the train had left already.

.87 with which to buy Jim a present.(相当于定语从句的不定式 结构)

13、When I came back, I found nobody ___. It was empty.

14、--- Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

15、--Are you _______ ,Mr Black?

16、Was it during the Second World War _____he died? (MET88)

17、as a consequence(of)作为(„„的)结果 2.the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦 3.go walkabout到灌木丛中闲逛 4.break out(指激烈事件)突然发生

18、You can find him in__ .



20、Some books are to be tasted;others swallowed;and some to be chewed and digested.4.Shanghai is not longer what it used to be.5.It was Joseph Banks who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.(强调句,强调句子的 主语,主语为表示人的名词)Units 5-6 Ⅰ.重要短语

21、keep up 维持;保持;使某事物处于高水平mon sense 常识;情理 13.leave behind 忘带;留下 14.lose one’s way 迷路 e to an end 结束;中止

22、韩非,战国末期韩国贵族,荀子的学生,法家的代表人物,著作有《韩非子》。《秋水》 庄子 《前赤壁赋》 苏轼

23、There was terrible noise ______ the sudden burst of light.(MET)

24、It is no use for everybody to try to pursue the same career.(亦可用It is no use doing sth.)

25、The reason _____he was absent from the meeting yesterday was _____ he was ill.

26、-Do you have _____ at home now? -No, we still have to get scores of eggs and some vegetables.

27、---I'd like ___ information about the management of your hotel, please.

28、lead sb.in doing sth.致使某人做某事 12.apply for 提出申请(或要求等)

29、be upset about...(对„„感到)不安的;不快的;心烦意乱的 23.associate...with...使发生联系;使联合 tect...from...保护„„免于„„ 25.be promoted with(用„„手段来)宣传,推销

30、恰好他身边有钱. (happen)

31、-Shall we introduce ____ fire-fighting equipment from abroad? -Go ahead, if necessary.


33、_______will make a trip around the world during the coming Christmas.(93年上海高考题)

34、You mustn't always do _____ as he asks you to do. He may be wrong sometimes.

35、_____ we got to the station, the train had left already.

